View Profile Phrozin

17 Movie Reviews

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Not into the style...

...but I can't complain about it either. The colors are a little bland. It needs a little bit more contrast. Everything's drawn pretty well enough, but maybe try changing the outlines on the backgrounds to something other than black, maybe just a darker color than the object it's around. That or you could try giving your characters a thicker outline, you can use the drop shadow to pull that off lazily.

Bet this'll pass, too

Yet another bad clock movie. There's a few good ones, and this isn't one of them. Do you guys just save every "shocking" picture you find on the net or just the ones that turn you on? The only good thing in the movie was that the submarine sandwich was drawn well.

How many?

How many more spin offs will there be? This is even less animated than the original crap that this is based on. At least the other ones had a tolerable theme and some okay music.

NoobzUnlimited responds:

ya imma ftw


It takes real talent to use filters on words in Flash then say you used After Effects, TopStyle, and Fireworks. At 8 megs, you could've at least compressed your audio. This movie is worthless as anything to anyone.

Elite-Sniper responds:

Big words like that make me wish I was younger.

Looks familiar...

Looks a lot like Fleek's image. It also looks like what happened to his last submission, dam@. If this movie was going somewhere, I might be inclined to at least give you higher than a zero.

LordZeebmork responds:

I'm not Fleek and I made the image so fuck you

If it's not funny...

...and it's not serious, and it's not entertaining, then what would that make this? I'll give you a few minutes to guess...

...annoying crap with no redeeming value what-so-ever. What are you going to do once you've reached whatever your ultimate goal is on NG? Maybe if you got your own site, then you could complain about people not liking it, since it would be your site and not a site in which people can criticize it.

mamaluigi responds:

Its not supposed to be funny, and its DEFINATLY not a serious flash... But on the contrary, it does entertain many people.

Its something to help occupy your time while on the interwebs.

it may be annnoying to some people like you, but alot of people actually like these. When im finished with this series ill be done with it... for a while.

Why would i make my own site if im not selling anything? This is what NG is for.

Also: I have NEVER complained about anyone not liking these flashes, infact, i dont expect everyone to like them. The only thing i do is answer questions or reply to comments in people's reviews.

There's not too much there

It would help the parody if you actually saw the movie. It's actually pretty good. The plot reminds me a lot of The Burbs. If you liked stuff like that from the 80s, you'll like Monster House.

CustardCartoonsInc responds:

Errrm, well thanks. I don't really know what to say. You gave me an absolutely crap score, yet you told me that i might like the film... Ill say... thank you for your miniature review of the film for me...


Why did you submit this? Have you submitted similarly bad movies and had them voted 5, just because you asked? Seriously.

StagBeetle responds:


hello what is a Blam

I don't care about this Clock Crew or the people in it. That's not to say there's probably not something they've made that's good since I believe that there's a collection on here. Crap is crap. It's just a simple loop. This is a waste of space on NG. I don't care who/what/why.

I'm a more a Mayan, than a Flasher

Age 39, Male


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